Xuan Hương Lake

Xuân Hương Lake

Overview of Xuan Huong Lake

Ho Xuan Huong is known as the green eyes of Da Lat city. The depth of Xuan Huong lake is about  1.5 m and large more than 32 ha. Xuan Huong Lake is located in the center of the city.

History of Ho Xuan Huong.

In ancient times, this place was a marshes area of the Lach stream and also was a rice production area of the people of Da Lach. (now called Camly Stream)

In 1919, Following the request of the Cunhac minister, Labbe Engineer Built a dam from the crossroad of Ba Huyen Thanh Quan, Bui Thi Xuan to Thuy Ta and created a lake which the French called Grand Lac (Dai Ho)

In 1921-1922, a Dam was extended and elevated according to Garnier minister's orders.

Since 1953, Xuan Huong lake was the new name given to Grand Lac. That was the place of business and was the first sight of Lam Dong province.R recognized on November 6, 1988, was a national landscape.


This is an ideal race for the national cycling race. Ho Chi Minh cup competition every year. In addition, this is a place for organizing many cultural and tourist events of Da Lat and Lam Dong.

Every year, the peach blossomed blooms again, so the scene becomes extremely romantic, which with the blue lake makes anyone has a chance to visit Da Lat city will feel so vibratory.